Selected Publications (in chronological order)

This section includes peer-reviewed publications in journals, books or conference proceedings.

Latest publications

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2017) "A computational implementation of idiomatic and non-idiomatic constructions". Signos 50 (94).

  • Hernández Pastor, Diana and Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2016) "Developing a knowledge base for preposition sense disambiguation: A view from Role and Reference Grammar and FunGramKB". Onomázein 33, 251-288. pdf

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Periñán-Pascual, Carlos (2016) "Representing constructional schemata in the FunGramKB Grammaticon". Jens Fleischhauer, Anja Latrouite and Rainer Osswald (eds.) Explorations of the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press, 77-108.


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2010) “The architecture of FunGramKB”, 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valeta (Malta). Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2667-2674. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2012) “En defensa del procesamiento del lenguaje natural fundamentado en la lingüística teórica”. Onomázein 26, 13-48. pdf


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2004) “Meaning postulates in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base”, 15th International Workshop on Databases and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE, Los Alamitos (California), 38-42. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2007) “Cognitive modules of an NLP knowledge base for language understanding”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 39, 197-204. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2007) “Deep semantics in an NLP knowledge base”, 12th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, Universidad de Salamanca, 279-288. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2008) “A cognitive approach to qualities for NLP”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 41, 137-144. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2010) “La gramática de COREL: un lenguaje de representación conceptual”. Onomázein 21, 11-45. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2010) “Ontological commitments in FunGramKB”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 44, 27-34. pdf

  • Jiménez Briones, Rocío and Luzondo Oyón, Alba (2011) "Building ontological meaning in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base". Onomázein 23, 11-40. pdf

  • Jiménez Briones, Rocío and Pérez Cabello de Alba, Beatriz (2011) “An account of selection restrictions in Role and Reference Grammar”. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 62, 99-122. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2011) “The COHERENT methodology in FunGramKB”. Onomázein 24, 13-33. pdf

  • Felices Lago, Ángel, Cortés de Los Ríos, María Enriqueta and Marín Rubiales, Amalia (2012) "The configuration of a philosophical parameter in the subontology #ENTITY of FunGramKB: The case of axiology". LSP Journal 3(1), 51-60. pdf

  • Felices Lago, Ángel and Ureña Gómez-Moreno, Pedro (2013) “The integration of a philosophical dimension in the subontology #QUALITY of FunGramKB: The case of axiological evaluation”. LSP Journal 4(2), 21-37. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2013) “A knowledge-engineering approach to the cognitive categorization of lexical meaning”. VIAL: Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10, 85-104. pdf

  • Felices Lago, Ángel and Cortés de los Ríos, M. Enriqueta (2014) “The implementation of the axiological parameter in a verbal subontology for natural language processing”. Geoff Thompson and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 117-136. pdf

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2016) "Multilingualism and conceptual modelling". Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 66, 244-277. pdf

  • Hernández Pastor, Diana and Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2016) "Developing a knowledge base for preposition sense disambiguation: A view from Role and Reference Grammar and FunGramKB". Onomázein 33, 251-288. pdf


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2012) “The situated common-sense knowledge in FunGramKB”. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10 (1), 184-214. pdf


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2006) “Reusing computer-oriented lexica as foreign-language electronic dictionaries”. Anglogermánica Online 4, 69-93. pdf

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Periñán Pascual, Carlos (2009) “The anatomy of the lexicon component within the framework of a conceptual knowledge base”. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 22, 217-244. pdf


  • Ureña Gómez-Moreno, Pedro, Alameda Hernández, Ángela and Felices Lago, Ángel (2011) "Towards a specialised corpus of organized crime and terrorism". María Luisa Carrió et al. (eds.) La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad y a la tecnología. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Valencia, 301-306. pdf

  • Felices Lago, Ángel and Ureña Gómez-Moreno, Pedro (2012) "Fundamentos metodológicos de la creación subontológica en FunGramKB". Onomázein 26, 49-67. pdf

  • Carrión Delgado, M. de Gracia (2012) "Extracción y análisis de unidades léxico-conceptuales del dominio jurídico: un acercamiento metodológico desde FunGramKB". RaeL 11, 25-39. pdf

  • Gómez Castejón, M. Ángeles and Fernández Lloret, Diana (2013) "i-Term/i-Model versus FunGramKB: two different approaches to ontological organization". LSP Journal 4(2), 64-83. pdf

  • Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Francisco Arcas Túnez (2014) “La ingeniería del conocimiento en el dominio legal: La construcción de una Ontología Satélite en FunGramKB”. Revista Signos: Estudios de Lingüística 47 (84), 113-139. pdf

  • Carrión Delgado, M. de Gracia and Marín Rubiales, Amalia (2014) “La jerarquización cognitiva de la entidad +CYBERCRIME_00 en FunGramKB”. Actas del XXXI Congreso Internacional AESLA, 557-569. pdf

  • Carrión Delgado, M. de Gracia and Felices Lago, Ángel (2014) “La jerarquización de las entidades en la Ontología Satélite del Crimen Organizado y el terrorismo en FunGramKB”. Chelo Vargas Sierra (ed.) TIC, Trabajo Colaborativo e Interacción en Terminología y Traducción. Granada: Comares, 591-607. pdf

  • Carrión Delgado, M. de Gracia (2015) “Conceptual representation of expert knowledge in FunGramKB: the derivation process in several typical crimes of criminal law”. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 212, pp. 166-173. pdf

  • Felices Lago, Ángel (2015) “Foundational considerations for the development of the Globalcrimeterm subontology: a research project based on FunGramKB”. Onomázein 31, 127-144. pdf

  • Alameda Hernández, Ángela and Felices Lago, Ángel (2016) “The integration of the concept +CRIME_00 in FunGramKB and the conceptualization or hierarchization problems involved”. Carlos Periñán-Pascual and Eva M. Mestre-Mestre (eds.) Understanding Meaning and Knowledge Representation: From Theoretical and Cognitive Linguistics to Natural Language Processing. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 319-340.

  • Felices Lago, Ángel (2016) “The process of constructing ontological meaning based on criminal law verbs”. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 65, 109-148. pdf


  • Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2007) “High-level metaphor and metonymy in meaning construction”. Günter Radden, Klaus-Michael Köpcke, Thomas Berg and Peter Siemund (eds.) Aspects of Meaning Construction in Lexicon and Grammar. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 33-49.

  • Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2008) "Levels of description and constraining factors in meaning construction: an introduction to the Lexical Constructional Model". Folia Linguistica 42-2. pdf

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco (2008) “Levels of description and explanation in meaning construction”. Christopher Butler and Javier Martín Arista (eds.) Deconstructing Constructions. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 153–198. pdf

  • Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2009) “Constructing meaning: a brief overview of the Lexical Constructional Model”. Mario Brdar (ed.) Converging and diverging tendencies in Cognitive Linguistics. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

  • Luzondo, Alba and Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco (2015) "Argument structure constructions in a Natural Language Processing environment". Language Sciences 48, 70-89.

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Periñán-Pascual, Carlos (2016) "Representing constructional schemata in the FunGramKB Grammaticon". Jens Fleischhauer, Anja Latrouite and Rainer Osswald (eds.) Explorations of the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press, 77-108.

  • Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2017) "A computational implementation of idiomatic and non-idiomatic constructions". Signos 50 (94).


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Arcas Túnez, Francisco (2005) “Microconceptual-Knowledge Spreading in FunGramKB”, 9th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ACTA Press, Anaheim-Calgary-Zurich, 239- 244. pdf

  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2009) “Bringing Role and Reference Grammar to natural language understanding”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 43, 265-273. pdf


  • Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Mairal Usón, Ricardo (2010) “Enhancing UniArab with FunGramKB”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 44, 19-26. pdf


  • Butler, Christopher S. (2012) “An ontological approach to the representational lexicon in Functional Discourse Grammar”. Language Sciences 34 (5), 619-634. pdf